KB does a wonderful job of personalizing your massage experience. She adds thoughtful touches (heated table, aromatherapy, safe products) and her initial consultation before my first massage made me feel like she was listening to my needs before she started our session. I highly recommend KB and can't wait to get back on the table!
I have had massages in the past but nothing compares to the one I had with KB. She is very attentive and caring and I did not feel judged one bit...KB made me feel welcomed and important. You can tell she seriously cares about her clients... She used Vitality Regeneration lotion during my appointment which completely changed the game for me.
If you are looking for someone who knows exactly what to do to help you, look no further than KB! She was able to help alleviate chronic pain I was having in my hip due to my psoas (I didn’t even know what this a muscle until she told me about it!)... Her studio is very clean and she makes sure you are comfortable while remaining safe.
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